Welcome to the website of M. Kurihara   慶応義塾大学理工学部



photo by John Coates at Cambridge

Masato Kurihara
Professor of Mathematics

Keio University

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sceince and Technology
Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku- ku
Yokohama, 223-8522, JAPAN

Room745 (14-745)

kurihara (at) math.keio.ac.jp

Some Recent Papers

1. Minimal resolutions of Iwasawa modules (with Takenori Kataoka), Research in Number Theory 10:64 (2024) (pdf file)

2. On derivatives of Kato's Euler system for elliptic curves, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), to appear in Journal of the mathematical Society of Japan 76 No.3 (2024) , 855-911 (pdf file)

3. Some analytic quantities yielding arithmetic information about elliptic curves, preprint, (2021), Proceedings of TATA Institute, Arithmetic Geometry (2024), 345-384 (pdf file)

4. On derivatives of Kato's Euler system and the Mazur-Tate Conjecture, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), preprint, (2021) (pdf file)

5. Fitting ideals of p-ramified Iwasawa modules over totally real fields (with Cornelius Greither and Takenori Kataoka), Selecta Mathematica 28 :14 (2022) (pdf file)

6. Notes on the dual of the ideal class groups of CM-fields, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 33, 971- 996 (2021) (pdf file)

7. On the refined conjectures on Fitting ideals of Selmer groups of elliptic curves with supersingular reduction, (with Chan-Ho Kim), International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (2021), 10559–10599 (pdf file)

8. The second syzygy of the trivial G-module, and an equivariant main conjecture, (with Cornelius Greither and Hibiki Tokio), Development of Iwasawa Theory — the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 86(2020), 317 - 349 (pdf file)

9. On Stark elements of arbitrary weight and their p-adic families, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), Development of Iwasawa Theory — the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 86 (2020), 113 - 140 (pdf file)

more papers

Japanese Pages

 種田 宗司さん (2023年8月21日掲載)  佐野 昂迪さん (2019年9月13日掲載)  加藤 祐子さん  (2012年2月6日掲載)


・2023年1月31日 慶應女子高で、「方程式から見える数の世界」という講演をしました


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  *2022年度二季杯優勝 56期と  *2022年納会

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