Professor of Mathematics
Keio University
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sceince and Technology
Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku- ku
Yokohama, 223-8522, JAPAN
Room745 (14-745)
kurihara (at)
Some Recent Papers
1. On derivatives of Kato's Euler system and the Mazur-Tate Conjecture, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), International Mathematics Research Notices 2025(4) (2025), 1-26 (pdf file)2. On the Galois module structure of minus class groups, in ``Arithmetic of L-Functions",
Proceedings of an International Conference held at ICMAT, Madrid,
EMS Series of Congress Reports (2025), 149-183 (pdf file).
3. Minimal resolutions of Iwasawa modules (with Takenori Kataoka), Research in Number Theory 10:64 (2024) (pdf file)
4. On derivatives of Kato's Euler system for elliptic curves, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), Journal of the mathematical Society of Japan 76 No.3 (2024) , 855-911 (pdf file)
5. Some analytic quantities yielding arithmetic information about elliptic curves, Proceedings of TATA Institute, Arithmetic Geometry (2024), 345-384 (pdf file)
6. Fitting ideals of p-ramified Iwasawa modules over totally real fields (with Cornelius Greither and Takenori Kataoka), Selecta Mathematica 28 :14 (2022) (pdf file)
7. Notes on the dual of the ideal class groups of CM-fields, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 33, 971- 996 (2021) (pdf file)
8. On the refined conjectures on Fitting ideals of Selmer groups of elliptic curves with supersingular reduction, (with Chan-Ho Kim), International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (2021), 10559–10599 (pdf file)
9. The second syzygy of the trivial G-module, and an equivariant main conjecture, (with Cornelius Greither and Hibiki Tokio), Development of Iwasawa Theory — the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 86(2020), 317 - 349 (pdf file)
10. On Stark elements of arbitrary weight and their p-adic families, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), Development of Iwasawa Theory — the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 86 (2020), 113 - 140 (pdf file)
Japanese Pages
種田 宗司さん (2023年8月21日掲載) 佐野 昂迪さん (2019年9月13日掲載) 加藤 祐子さん (2012年2月6日掲載)
・2023年1月31日 慶應女子高で、「方程式から見える数の世界」という講演をしました
・理工学部體育會剣道部の部長を務めています ( Kendo Club )
*2022年度二季杯優勝 *56期と *2022年納会
・「ガウスの数論世界をゆく」(数学書房)のページ(Pages for "Exploration of the Arithmetic World of Gauss”)
・栗原研究室超公式サイト ( run by students )