Welcome to the website of M. Kurihara   慶応義塾大学理工学部


Some Papers after 2000

1. Minimal resolutions of Iwasawa modules (with Takenori Kataoka), Research in Number Theory 10:64 (2024) (pdf file)

2. On derivatives of Kato's Euler system for elliptic curves (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), to appear in Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (2024) (pdf file)

3. Some analytic quantities yielding arithmetic information about elliptic curves, preprint, (2021), to appear in Proceedings of TATA Institute, Arithmetic Geometry.(pdf file)

4. On derivatives of Kato's Euler system and the Mazur-Tate Conjecture, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), preprint, (2021) (pdf file)

5. Fitting ideals of p-ramified Iwasawa modules over totally real fields (with Cornelius Greither and Takenori Kataoka), Selecta Mathematica 28 (1) (2021) (pdf file)

6. Notes on the dual of the ideal class groups of CM-fields, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 33, 971- 996 (2021) (pdf file)

7. On the refined conjectures on Fitting ideals of Selmer groups of elliptic curves with supersingular reduction, (with Chan-Ho Kim), International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (2021), 10559–10599 (pdf file)

8. The second syzygy of the trivial G-module, and an equivariant main conjecture, (with Cornelius Greither and Hibiki Tokio), Development of Iwasawa Theory — the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 86(2020), 317 - 349 (pdf file)

9. On Stark elements of arbitrary weight and their p-adic families, (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano), Development of Iwasawa Theory — the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 86 (2020), 113 - 140 (pdf file)

10. On Iwasawa theory, zeta elements for G_m, and the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture. (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano),
Algebra and Number Theory 11 ( 7 )(2017), 1527 - 1571 (pdf file) 11. Fitting ideals of Iwasawa modules and of the dual of class groups (with Cornelius Greither),Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 39 ( 3 )(2017), 619 - 642 (pdf file) 12. On arithmetic properties of zeta elements, I (with David Burns and Takamichi Sano) We changed the title of this paper to "On zeta elements for G_{m}", Documenta Mathematica 21 (2016), 555-626 (pdf file) 13. Tate sequences and Fitting ideals of Iwasawa modules (with Cornelius Greither), St. Petersburg Math. J. 27(Vostokov volume) (2016), 941-965 (pdf file) 14. Rubin-Stark elements and ideal class groups (Exposition), RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B53 (2015), 343-363 (pdf file)
15. Refined Iwasawa theory for p-adic representations and the structure of Selmer groups,

Muenster Journal of Mathematics 7 (2014) (the volume for P. Schneider's 60th birthday), 149-223 (pdf file)

16.The structure of Selmer groups for elliptic curves and modular symbols,

in Iwasawa theory 2012, edited by Bouganis and Venjakob (2014), 317-356 (pdf file)

17. Refined Iwasawa theory and Kolyvagin systems of Gauss sum type, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 104 (2012), 728-269 (pdf file)

18. Ideal class groups of CM-fields with non-cyclic Galois action (with Takashi Miura), Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 35-2 (2012), 411-439 (pdf file)

19. On stronger versions of Brumer's conjecture,

Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 34-2 (2011), 407-428 (pdf file)

20. Stickelberger ideals and Fitting ideals of class groups for abelian number fields (with Takashi Miura),
Mathematische Annalen 350 (2011), 549-575 (pdf file, erratum) 21. Stickelberger elements, Fitting ideals of class groups of CM fields, and dualisation (with Cornelius Greither), Mathematische Zeitschrift 260 (2008), 905-930 (pdf file) 22. Two p-adic L-functions and rational points on elliptic curves with supersingular reduction, (with Robert Pollack), LMS Lecture Note Series 320 (2007), 300-332 (pdf file) 23. On the growth of Selmer groups of an elliptic curve with supersingular reduction in the Z_{2}-extension of Q} (with Rei Otsuki), Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly Vol.2 (Special Issue: In honor of John H. Coates) (2006), 199—210 (pdf file)
24. Remarks on the lambda_{p}-invariants of cyclic fields of degree p,

Acta Arithmetica 116-3 (2005), 199-216 (pdf file) 25. On the structure of ideal class groups of CM fields, Documenta Mathematica

Extra Volume Kato (2003), 539-563 (pdf file) 26. Iwasawa theory and Fitting ideals, J. reine angew. Math. 561 (2003), 39-86 (pdf file, erratum) 27. On the Tate Shafarevich groups over cyclotomic fields of an elliptic curve with supersingular reduction I, Invent math 149 (2002), 195-224 (pdf file)